Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Nenadich: Potential Investors "Have Intent"

Speaking to BBC Hereford and Worcester this afternoon, departed Bulls Director Nick Nenadich says the current crisis was 'inevitable'.

Nenadich stepped down last night to concentrate on his role as the incoming new chairman of the club's Community Trust, replacing David Keyte. He told Andrew Easton about the potential investors:

"I've got to be slightly cautious about this because in the world of buying and selling people guard their confidentiality. I've had no direct dealings with them, don't know their names. I know they're not from Hereford.

"We've tried for some time to encourage local investment and, for whatever reason, that hasn't happened. Through the footballing jungle drums, and from some help from a London Bull who works for Savills in London I think these people have got the information."

Asked if they were serious people with serious money, Nenadich added: "I've been around long enough to not believe anything until the money is in the bank. They've done everything, rolled up with a letter of credit, and they've been asking various authorities about what they could or couldn't do.

"So, yes, I do think they have intent."