Coventry's landlords are to seek to put the club into Administration.
ACL have issued a statement tonight saying that they have failed to agree terms over the club's £1.3million in unpaid rent, with the landlords - now part-owned by the local council - claiming they are taking action to prevent owners SISU from liquidating the club:
"It is highly unfortunate that we have had to take this course of
legal action. Had we not taken this action, then the alternative might
have been catastrophic for CCFC.
"Following recent statements in the media from the CCFC's owners threatening the Club with liquidation, we are keen to stop this from happening. Our action prevents Sisu simply closing CCFC and walking away from the situation.
If ACL are successful, the Sky Blues would expect a 10 point penalty that would remove them from the League One play-off picture - but would be highly unlikely to put their current status in peril.