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Next Game: Pre-Season

Saturday, July 16, 2011

18 Players off to Spain

18 players will be in manager Jamie Pitman's squad who leave Hereford for Spain this afternoon.

"It will be good for the lads to have a change of scenery and being together as a side should be a great boost for team bonding," Pitman told the Worcester News.

"This doesn’t mean it’s a holiday, though, as we will be doing three training sessions a day to ensure fitness is getting better. The main aim of the trip is to make sure the players are prepared for the start of the new season and the game against Molina should be a good test."

Former Bull Danny Williams, who is on trial at Edgar Street, is included in the 18 strong squad. However given youngster Kyle McCarthy and transfer listed Sean Canham are not going, the implication is that Pitman is taking one other trialist with the squad.