Saturday, April 23, 2011

Big Police Presence Around Edgar Street

A big police presence around Edgar Street and also in parts of the city centre ensured that there was little trouble between rival sets of supporters.

Before the game police were on hand as Shrewsbury supporters made their way from the Railway Station to Edgar Street many calling in at several pubs on the way. There was a report of a problem in Morrisons but this was quickly dealt with.

There were dozens of police particularily in Blackfriars Street as a fleet of coaches brought many other Shrewsbury supporters to the game.

Inside the ground four Shrewsbury supporters were ejected from the family area of the Merton Meadow stand after alert Hereford supporters pointed them out to the stewards.

After the match ended many Shrewsbury supporters were held back whilst Hereford supporters dispersed.

And the West Mercia force helicopter circled above.