Thursday, October 07, 2010

A view from 6' 2"!

One name that pops up on The Bulls’ chat messageboard “Bulls Banter” is that of ColebridgebullJr, a young man studying for a career in journalism and a frequent visitor to Edgar Street. As part of his studies, he is maintaining a sports blog and the following is part of his recent addition.

Who do you support then?…Sorry, who?

I’m telling myself not to focus solely on just sport in my blog but I think it seems fitting to really start off the stream of nonsense I’m spouting by just sharing some experiences held by myself and the Father as those unfortunate enough to support a "real" football team (and to think my lecturer today had the audacity to call it SOCCER!). When those across the pond refer to *cough* soccer, they think of Beckham, United, Liverpool and Arsenal, the "Premiershite" clubs but whatever did I do wrong to end up following a small team from the English/Welsh border (just to clear up Hereford is a good 45 miles away from the border which causes great amusements when various "scallies" and northern fans descend on Edgar Street with the usual inflatable sheep. Rich in history of giant-killing including dumping Newcastle out of the FA Cup in 1972 bringing about the rise of fame towards one Ronnie Radford and the pioneer game and platform to the top for one John "Motty" Motson. Enough history for one entry at least! It seems that recent years at the club have been eventful for The Bulls.

Those of you with any idea of Lower League "proper" football will associate one man with Hereford – Graham Turner. The man who saved the club from extinction before my time and when in 2006 finally the club regained it's league status I was a "fair-weather" (see uncommitted armchair warmer) but the tears rolling down the face of grown men was quite a sight for the youngster I was. Really highlighting how much this meant to the fans.

I was hooked.

Seasons passed, I dabbled in supporting the Premiership teams – mainly because Chelsea had money and kept winning, but the heart still sat at Edgar Street – the hero was Adam Stansfield (RIP and huge respect to the man as a model professional)

But all the history lies in the books and archives – it's the last few seasons where the club has descended into both a farce and practically a soap opera. Graham Turner played the hero and John Trewick played his dopey sidekick – when enough was enough for Turner the reigns were handed down to Trewick, and following the fantastic promotion of 2007-2008 season, the club spiralled down – signing players bereft of any clue and effectively signing 'Big-Time-Charlie's' who clearly had talent but spent more time slagging the club off on Facebook – that's the generation we live in now – criticise your employer at your peril.

When Trewick and Turner both uprooted and popped up the A49 to the Slops of Shrewsbury Town aswell as taking prodigal son Lionel Ainsworth who Bulls fans adored, it appeared to be a new beginning at the club. The club was handed over to local entrepreneur and TV personality duo of David Keyte and Tim Russon and all was rosey (Turner who?) just like the cheeks of newly appointed manager Simon Davey who arrived with a CV of beating both Liverpool (at Anfield) and Chelsea as the man in charge during Barnsley’s meteoric run through to the semi finals of the FA Cup, Bulls fans thought it couldn’t be better – a play off spot was a comfortable expectation, but as will become a theme to these blogs – life as a supporter of a proper league football team is not as it should be – 10 games into the new season, The Bulls sit bottom of the Football League and fans (both of them…hehe…good one!) began getting impatient with the new administration.

To quote Monday 4 October's Guardian Sport section Davey said following Hereford's 10th game without a win trying to cheer himself up "I'll go home to the family, pick up the paper tomorrow, see we lost 2-0, sulk for 24 hours, then we go back to work on Monday and keep doing that until someone tells me not to". It was this arrival at work on Monday that Davey was pointed in the direction of the Job Centre and Hereford were without a captain to steer their sinking ship, so I’m sat here with the family watching Eastenders and comparing the happenings in Herefordshire with England’s most-loved soap opera.

It isn't half embarrassing supporting this team, but it keeps you on your toes and there’s always something going on but would I change it? Would I 'eck!

The blog can be viewed at