Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Keyte and Russon on Recent Events.

With Simon Davey gone, Jamie Pitman in charge for now and a new manager about to be appointed both Hereford United chairman David Keyte and vice-chairman Tim Russon has been speaking about recent events and their plans for the future.

In a long interview on Bulls Player, David Keyte spent sometime talking about a deal with the Richardsons.

"We've cracked that. We've got documents with lawyers at the moment. So we have an agreement.

"There will be more detail in the coming weeks.

"We've had some positive conversations with the council who are very pro the football club. If ever we can get the leases back we are very encouraged by their support.

"Yesterday we met people from Stanhope (the developers) across in the cattle market who gave us a lot of ideas as to what might be possible at the Blackfriars Street End.

"There would have to be further planning for any extra Blackfriars development, but agreement was given for a new grandstand back in August.

"I think I'm on record stating we didn't want to jump straight into that as we would rather look at a slightly bigger picture.

"What the football club needs is some structure with 1500 to 2000 seats facing the pitch and facilities around it, catering and toilets.

"What we're looking at now, because there is no point doing that, is the bigger picture. To see what Hereford as a city might want, say a hotel or whatever."

Meanwhile Tim Russon has given an interview to the Hereford Times in which he has conceeded that the football played at Edgar Street this season hasn't been entaining enough to keep the fans coming through the turnstiles.

"You sit in the stand and suffer with them and there has been some poor football played and that’s not what we came to Hereford for," he said.

“We came to Hereford to bring some fun, sparkle and entertainment and we worked so hard over the summer to try to get things moving. It’s been like blowing up a balloon only to have it popped and it has slowly gone down.

"I can’t complain about the fans staying away because they have every right to because they haven’t been entertained.

"We want to think of Hereford as a club, get the spirit of Hereford and make it happen."