Friday, October 08, 2010

Harvey Odds Cut

After drifting in the market for most of the week, Jimmy Harvey has seen his odds of being the next Bulls manager cut this morning.

The cut, from 10/3 to 5/2 with Victor Chandler, comes after a surge of support for Harvey in the Hereford Times online poll over the past 24 hours. Yesterday lunchtime Colin Addison led the candidates with 34% of the vote, but Harvey now leads the charge with 36% of fan support to Addison's 26%.

The cut in Harvey's odds comes as Addison sees his price move in two different directons. Victor Chandler have pushed him out to 6/1 but Skybet have cut their odds to 10/1 after initially offering the 70 year old at 25/1.

The bookies have also added two new names to the hunt. Lennie Lawrence is now inserted into the betting at 16/1, while former Shrewsbury manager Gary Peters is 11/1. UPDATE: A third new name has been added, with Steve Hodge coming in at 14/1.