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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hereford Futures

At last evening's fans forum Hereford United chairman David Keyte said that he felt the Herefordshire Council's decision to 'rename' the Edgar Street Grid company into Hereford Futures would have no effect on the club.

For the record below is the mission statement of the new company:

Hereford Futures is the development company set up by Herefordshire Council to secure private sector investment and deliver new opportunities for the whole of Hereford – while protecting and promoting the special character of the city’s historic core.

The company takes its lead from the priorities recently voiced by residents in the council’s Shaping Our Place consultation, where local people said they wanted new and better-paid jobs, new enterprise, vibrant new communities and affordable homes, improved higher education facilities and better transport links. Hereford Futures will be responsible for ensuring that all this is delivered for Hereford.

The chief executive is Jonathan Bretherton, previously chief executive with ESG Herefordshire Ltd, and the chairman is Ted Willmott CB OBE. ESG had succeeded in bringing substantial investment into Hereford through the new £650-million regeneration project.

Hereford Futures will build on this track record to ensure the whole city is well placed to benefit from the upturn in the economy. It will drive improvements in the transport infrastructure, develop new communities and urgently needed decent, affordable and sustainable, energy-efficient homes for the whole city, investigate smaller sites within the city core where new retailing or residential development could take place; deliver the new flood alleviation and protection measures to ensure peace of mind for city residents and businesses; open up new strategic business parks to attract new enterprises, and maximise the opportunities for the new livestock market.