Neither of the two Herefordshire MP's, Paul Keetch and Bill Wiggin, has signed either of two EDM's (Early Day Motions) which are of interest to Hereford United supporters.
The first motion calls for standing to be retained at all football grounds and the second calls for better facilities for the disabled to watch football.
First Motion:
That this House urges the Government to accept the case for introducing small, limited sections of safe standing areas at football grounds; further urges the Government to recognise that there is widespread support for such areas and that improvements in stadium design and technology mean that with rigorous safety specifications, standing areas could be safely re-introduced; and calls on the Government to convene a meeting of representatives of the police, supporters, Premier League clubs and the Football Licensing Authority to find a way forward.
Second Motion:
That this House notes that it is nearly 10 years since the Football Task Force Report was published with recommendations on improving facilities at football stadia allowing disabled fans a parity of access and enjoyment at football games in this country; notes that since then, a number of clubs across the leagues have made significant improvements and their disabled fans now enjoy better facilities; regrets that there is still a considerable deficit in facilities and services for disabled supporters at most professional league clubs; and calls on all football clubs to measure their disabled supporter facilities against the Accessible Stadia Guide and Football Task Force recommendations and make a commitment to reach an equality of supporter experience for all football fans as set out in the National Association of Disabled Supporters Blueprint.
The FSF (Football Supporters Federation) is hoping that fans will contact their MP if they haven't signed both the above motions and encourage them to do so.
Text at top (next game etc)
Next game: Scarborough Away On Saturday March 15th at 3.00pm