Rumours are rife on the message boards of our both of our much-loved northern friends regarding a suggested move for Accrington striker Paul Mullin. Mullin, well known at Edgar Street for his "robust" approach is reported to be the subject of a bid by Shrewsbury's football aficionado, Gary Peters, as he strives to fend off mounting criticism from disgruntled New Meadow fans.
The striker will be 34 years old in March and many are questioning the wisdom of such a large fee despite the chronic need fresh faces. Mullin has eleven goals to his name so far this season and is, in some quarters, being compared to The Bulls own Trevor Benjamin with the suggestion that Peters may have been better signing Benji when he was "free" rather than spending money on a man much older. Other subscribers are hinting that this move smacks of desperation by Peters.
If the transfer is concluded it will add interest to forthcoming "bragging rites" fixture scheduled for next Sunday.
Text at top (next game etc)
Next game: Rushall Away On Tuesday March 11th at 7.45pm