Thursday, January 03, 2008

Shrews Game All Ticket?

The Shrewsbury home match, on Sunday 13th January, appears to be all ticket.

A statement on the Shrewsbury official site states: We have been informed by Hereford United this morning that, on Police advise, the game on Sunday 13th will now have to be ALL TICKET. Due to this late announcement, which is beyond our control, tickets will have to go straight on to general sale AFTER the match on Saturday.

No confirmation has yet been forthcoming from Hereford United. It has, on previous occasions, only been the case that all-ticket rules applied only to away fans but Bulls News will confirm the exact details once they have been released.

UPDATE: Hereford United have confirmed that the game is all-ticket for away fans only. Shrewsbury fans will only be able to buy tickets from their club.