This coming Friday is the Annual Macmillan Coffee Morning.
The World's Biggest Coffee Morning is one of the biggest fundraising events in the UK, with an estimated 2 million people raising their mugs for Macmillan Cancer Support last year.
And this year they hope even more people will get involved.
In Herefordshire there is an extra reason to join one of the events that is to help raise the money to build a state-of-the-art cancer unit in Hereford.
So please - Make the time, To Make the coffee, To Make money for the Macmillan Renton Appeal.
Meanwhile the NFU Mutual who insured the car park organised by Bulls News and run by Hereford United supporters for the Macmillan Renton Appeal at the Hay Festival last May have refunded the premium paid and added an equivalent amount as a donation towards the Renton Appeal.
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Next game: Darlington At Edgar Street On Saturday March 8th at 3.00pm