Monday, September 24, 2007

The Mystery of the Preedy Directors Shares

Bulls fans may recall the issue regarding former HUFC Director Dave Preedy and his removal from the Board due to him not having the required shareholding. Preedy, a local man and long-time Bulls supporter runs a business specialising in plumbing, bath and shower-room fittings was invited to join the Board by Graham Turner before the commencement of the building of the new changing room/shower extension. Shortly before the last AGM and after completion of the new changing rooms, Preedy was informed that his Directorship was not valid due to the shareholding qualification. He was told he needed to acquire the minimum number before his Directorship could be confirmed. Bulls News understands that Mr Preedy has now purchased shares from another long-standing supporter and VP Club member but, as yet, has not been invited back onto the Board. It is believed that the previous owner of the shares agreed to sell to Preedy solely to enable him to join the Board. Meanwhile, it has been noticed that Mr Preedy nor his wife have attended any home games this season despite previously being involved in the hospitality offered to visiting Directors.

It is not clear at this stage why Graham Turner should say that Preedy has no shares when it seems that he does and, indeed, has done for some months.