Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bluebird Fans in Bus Fire Drama

A coach load of Cardiff City supporters returning from their Cup win at the Hawthorns last night had to make a hasty departure from their bus when it caught fire on the M5.

They were on their way back to South Wales on a Veolia coach when the bus caught fire on the southbound carriageway of the M5.

"Our driver was contacted by the bus behind to say the exhaust was catching fire. As we pulled over, thick black smoke was coming in," said one supporter as reported by the Western Mail.

"I was sitting on the front seat of our coach and it looked as if liquid was coming out of the coach in front on to the road and sparks were flying," said another.

"Our driver rang the driver of the other coach to tell him to pull over. Thick black smoke started coming out of the bus.

"People were playing ring of fire on their mobiles and just joking about it really.

"Cardiff City set the world on fire and then our bus literally did set on fire!”

Veolia, a French-owned company, was unavailable for comment.

Another of their coaches, on this occasion carrying school children, was reported to have been involved in a smash on the Herefordshire border on Monday.