How well sales of season tickets at Hereford United are going hasn't been revealed but because of some confusion over the cost of a child's season ticket sales look unlikely to break any records.
The problem appears to be that a child's season ticket costs £224 in most of the stand area and £180 on the terraces. However match tickets can be purchased at £7 and £6 respectively.
Hereford play 23 home League games. So to pay £224 for a child's seated season ticket will cost £63 more than paying on the gate. As regards the terraces the difference is £42. 23 games at £6 is £138 against £180 for a child's standing season ticket.
In essence buying a season ticket for a child isn't worthwhile unless the supporters sit in the family stand.
(Under 10's can watch Hereford United for just £3 provided the ticket is purchased at the same time as an adults and at least the day before the game)
Meanwhile Shrewsbury Town have sold over 2300 season tickets and with two more weeks before League games start could sell another 200 or so more.
There's little doubt that their new stadium will have helped their sales but to have sold approximately half of their usual gate in season tickets is commendable.
Text at top (next game etc)
Next game: Curzon Ashton At Edgar Street On Saturday March 22nd at 3.00pm