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Monday, December 05, 2016

Council Minutes About Edgar Street Lease

A meeting of Herefordshire Council's General Overview and Scrutiny Committee took place on November 14th during which the proposed extension to the Edgar Street Lease was discussed.

Below are the minutes from that meeting:

Edgar Street Stadium, Hereford - Lease Proposals

The committee considered the options available to the Council prior to entering into longer term arrangements on the stadium premises.

The development manager presented the report.

Mr K Kinnersley, Chief Executive Officer of Hereford FC had been invited to address the meeting. He gave a short statement reminding the committee of the background to the Club's position. When considering forming a new football club the view had been that the Edgar Street Stadium would be the key to maintaining support. He outlined a range of measures the club was undertaking to continue to secure support including plans to maintain and encourage community support.

He reported the Club's aim was to a return to National followed by Football League status. In relation to the ground this meant returning the stadium to four sides to comply with League Regulations. A long lease of some 35 - 50 years would be required at some point in the future to achieve that ambition as it would require the construction of a new stand. In the meantime a ten year lease would be welcomed as an interim measure prior to seeking grant funding for future development.

In discussion support was expressed for the Football Club's efforts and the principal consideration whether a longer lease should be considered. Mr Kinnersley confirmed that a 10 year lease was satisfactory at this stage.


That (a) the executive be advised that the Committee supports the proposed the grant of a new lease to the current tenant for a term of ten years commencing at some point prior to the expiry of the current lease; and

         (b) a further report is presented to the Committee setting out the long term proposals for the Edgar Street Stadium following an appraisal by the football club, council and potential development partners of the options.