Thursday, January 12, 2006

Madjo to stay at the Lawn

Forest Green Rovers have announced that Guy Madjo will stay at the Lawn for the rest of the season.

The Cameroonian striker, who scored against Hereford United recently, has signed for Forest Green despite apparent interest from elsewhere. He arrived for that game late after being upheld up at Heathrow airport.

This from The Official Forest Green Website:

It has been a difficult time for Rovers management team and the player with negotiations intense in the battle to keep him at The Lawn. Supporters have been a major factor in the player deciding that for the interim his long term career prospects are best suited by him making his name with Rovers. Guy is appreciative that Rovers had faith in him when it looked as if he may have had to return to the Cameroon, when Bristol City were about to release him in November. The club will now be seeking support from those fans who promised financial contributions if the club retained his services