Monday, September 23, 2024

Injury News Update From Hereford Manager


Hereford manager Paul Caddis has updated supporters about the injury problems of several players.

Aaron Skinner – Skins has been for an X-ray and results show a ‘possible’ fracture in the ankle. Further tests are needed to find out if it’s a clean fracture or if it’s a fracture of the ankle which has also taken a part of the tendon away from the bone, in which case he will require surgery. We cannot put an accurate timescale on the injury until we have fully investigated with the specialist to see where we are at with it. What I can say is Skins is looking at a minimum of 4 weeks out, depending if surgery is required or not. 

Alex Babos – For those that attended the away FA Cup replay against Ilkeston, you would have seen Alex’s awkward impact fall very, very late in the game. We are currently monitoring that situation and will look at further scanning Alex when the swelling has reduced. We are happy with the progress in his range of movement and mobility of his elbow, but the area is still considerably swollen. Again, I apologise for no real time specific info for you. 

Preston Bitemo – We fear Preston has the same stress fracture issue as Mark Derricott suffered last season and he will be scanned this week. If the results are what we expect, we would be looking at a timescale of 11 weeks. Preston is a young lad and it’s important we look after his long-term health and wellbeing as a matter of priority which we absolutely will. 

Jason Cowley – Cowls suffered a somewhat horrific and needless challenge in pre-season and came back onto the pitch last Tuesday to only be set back with a constant dull ache at the end of range in his ankle. Again, like Preston, he will be scanned this week and see a specialist to get to the bottom of the diagnosis. 

'We have no real worries about the rest of the squad at the moment.'

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