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Next Game: Kings Lynn At Edgar Street On Saturday 21 September at 3.00pm

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

New Lease Contains Rent Reviews


It was recently announced that Hereford FC and Herefordshire Council had agreed a new deal for the club to play at Edgar Street.

A few of the details about the lease have been made public including the inclusion of a piece of land behind the Meadow End.

This land was required for storage given that the club had been using the area behind the Blackfriars End as a store.

And as well as a storage area the club needed room for water tanks which are used for the sprinklers used on the pitch. 

Another part of the lease will be the cost to the football club.

Whilst not confirmed it appears the club will be paying £10.000 per season to start with.

There will be rent reviews every five years but it's thought that the rent will increase by the rate of inflation.

If this is correct then the deal agreed looks a good one for the club.