Monday, September 11, 2023

Cowley's Scan - Could It Have Happened Sooner?


With the news that Hereford striker Jason Cowley needs an operation a look back at the last few weeks and what was said in the lead up.

After reports suggested Cowley would miss the opening game of the season, he started at Kings Lynn on August 5th.

"I was surprised myself (he started)," said Caddis afterwards. 

"Cowls was showing a lot of pain last week

"We got a couple of physios to look at it, they said it was a grade one, ten to fourteen days.

"Day fifteen was Wednesday, we decided he was desparate to play, we did a lot of fitness stuff with him Thursday, checking his strength, checking his power'

"He came through all the tests.

"I was surprised but that's just a mark of the character the man is, and obviously he was a nuisance you can see why I was desperate to get him on the pitch."

Cowley played nearly all the home game against Darlington on August 12th.

Afterwards Caddis was asked if he was injuried'

"No, just wasting time to be honest, just trying to run the clock down.

However three days later on August 15th, Cowley was not in the squad against Rushall.

"I was honest when I said a few weeks ago that he's struggling and he still is.

"He didn't quite pass the test that we were expecting him to tonight so he didn't play.

"It's an impact and not what it was beforehand so we're hopeful it will be alright."

He started the game at Blyth on August 19th but was substituted at half time just minutes after scoring.

"He had a sore ankle so we took him off the pitch," said Caddis after the game.

On August 24th Caddis revealed that Cowley would miss the two Bank Holiday fixtures.

"He is still struggling with a few things," Caddis told BBC Hereford and Worcester.

"There is a strict return to play process we go through and he passed that (at Blyth) again like he did at Kings Lynn.

"But he will probably struggle for the next few games to be honest.

"And that's not me trying to be clever.

"But at the moment as it stands he is unavailable but things could chance.

"It's kind of an impact injury but I think he rolled it as well. His ankle has swelled up quite a bit. We're assessing it and trying to get it down to normal size." 

After the Peterborough Sports game on August 26th Caddis was asked about Cowley who played no part in the game.

"He's got a sore ankle so maybe get it scanned and see the extent of it," he said. 

Two days later after losing at Tamworth Caddis was once again asked about Cowley. Has he had that scan yet?

"I've been in contact with the board, desperately trying to get a scan," said Caddis.

"It's proving more difficult than what I imagined it would be.

"We're hopeful we will get a scan sorted this week but it was the same with Mark Derricott and Willo.

"It took a bit of time, longer than what I want.

"We've had the go head, I believe, for the scan so that should be asap.

"It's Bank Holiday today so he hasn't got in today but hopefully we can get him scanned tomorrow and get the results as quick as possible."

Then this on the following Saturday after the Southport match.

Cowley had a scan on his ankle on Saturday morning according to manager Paul Caddis.

During his post match interview he gave a few details of why it had taken so long.

"We were hoping it was going to calm down and then we requested a scan," said Caddis.

"It took a couple of days in terms of more where he was getting it and the people were being quite difficult to be honest.

"They wanted Cowley is to refered from an actual doctor which took a bit of time."

Hopefully the results will be available in the next few days. At least then the extent of any problem will be known.

Finally on Saturday after defeat at Spennymoor.

"Jason Cowley potentially needs an operation," said Caddis.

"He's going to see someone again next week and we'll take it from there.

"He's likely to be out for the foreseeable future."

Obviously it's not public knowledge when Caddis first asked if Cowley could have a scan. But it looks as though the board have to authorise such spending which suggests it's not within the football budget. 

And then the admission that Cowley had to be referred by 'an actual doctor'. One would have thought the club doctor could refer?  Perhaps not.

It's not known where the scan took place, may be there was a time delay on the provider's part.

But, all in all, this scan on Cowley was delayed. And when you are desparate to get him back on the pitch any delay must be avoided if possible.

Maybe time for the board to look at the process about scanning a player?

Questions that could be asked would include why can't the manager simply order a scan for a player when required. This would imply the money would come out of the football budget and so he wouldn't have to go to the board for permission.

And is there a case for speeding up the process? It appears there are places that do scans without needing a referal from a doctor.

One such place is in Cardiff which appears to charge £230 for a 'consultant scan and instant results'. Booking is online. Whether that would be good enough is another matter.

Even if the cost elsewhere is greater the sooner Cowley is back the better. 200 off the gate could be £2000 less income. Much more than a scan.