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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Scunthorpe United In Court Today

Scunthorpe United were in court earlier today.

Later owner David Hilton updated his supporters.

'As many of you were aware, Scunthorpe United was in court today facing the very real prospect of being evicted from Glanford Park.

We achieved a positive outcome today. While the immediate prospect of eviction has been halted, there were no winners or losers.

The club remains in the ground until next year when a three-day hearing will be listed. We will use the time to continue negotiations and hopefully achieve a settlement that works for all parties.

Legal action has never been our preferred option and we hope this can be resolved without further hearings.

The club would like to thank Tahina Akther of Wildcat Law and Richard Chapman KC for their hard work and for representing the club at the hearing.

Scunthorpe are top of the National North League. 

More on this situation has appeared on X (Twitter) from Matt Slater.

'The row between Scunthorpe Utd’s current/former owners, David Hilton & Peter Swann, over ownership of the club’s Glanford Park stadium will go to a 3-day trial at a TBD date in Jan-Mar 2024. The ruling was just made by District Judge Royle at a long directions hearing in Leeds.

The most interesting line from the hearing was that Scunthorpe Utd are currently paying Swann 7 pence a week rent for use of the stadium.'