Thursday, August 17, 2023

Banning Someone For Racial Abuse Isn't Enough Says Gowling


Former Hereford manager Josh Gowling has told the BBC that banning someone from a football match for racial abuse is not enough.

His comments come after two non-league games in the West Midlands were stopped after claims of racial abuse.

He said he had been racially abused on several occasions during his career.

"There needs to be education," said Gowling.

"I think that will make a bigger difference than just banning someone from a football match where they're sitting at home angry that they can't go to their passion and it just makes things worse.

"You should be able to go into work every day and enjoy what you do and not be worried about getting racially abused if things aren't going well.

"Players have had enough and they're not going to stand for it."

Kick It Out have reported a 65% increase in reported incidents of  discriminatory behaviour during last season.

Gowling wants to see more people of black heritage in positions of responsibility in football.

"Until that happens, we're just going to be having the same conversations," he said.

"I've played in front of thousands and been racially abused. I've played in front of hundreds and been racially abused and it's not nice. It makes you feel different, of course."