Monday, July 31, 2023

Is There More Money Around Edgar Street?

There appears to be a little bit more money around Edgar Street at the moment given the news that there will be an overnight stay for the players ahead of the opening fixture at Kings Lynn on Saturday.

Last season overnight stays before games were curtailed by the club. Even the trip to Blyth Spartans on the last day of the season was done 'on the day'.

So it came as some surprise when manager Paul Caddis revealed in his post-Redditch interview that the club was looking for accommodation on the night before the Kings Lynn game.

"We are trying to get accommodation sorted for the night before especially as we are down to bare bones when travelling four or five hours," he said.

"We are trying to do things as professionally as we can but we're trying to get over a few hurdles with things like that." 

It isn't known whether the cost of the accommodation will come out of the football budget. It may be that some of the 'profit' from the Aston Villa friendly will be used to pay for the stay.

And it could be that Caddis feels an overnight stay will help with team bonding.

Nevertheless accommodation not booked well in advance for the squad won't be cheap given it's the first Friday in August.