Friday, September 23, 2022

HUST Forward Another £5,000 To The Club.

HUST has just £9,000 left to find to complete their surchase of shares in Hereford FC. They forwarded £5,000 to the club last week.

This from HUST:

HUST are pleased to announce that £5,000 was paid into Club funds mid-September.

HUST Chairman, Richard Tomkins says “280K up! Just 9K to go! Our sights are set on achieving a parity shareholding in the Club which is now achievable before this season is out. This is due to continued pledges from supporters both at the ground and online. We sell 50/50 and Golden Goal at the ground as well as online. It enables us to converse with fans on many topics. Don’t forget our online offerings Prize Bull and Sports Club Lottery. They continue to make substantial contributions to funds as well.”

Jon Hale, Chairman of Hereford FC added “Thank you to our supporters for their continued backing of HUST’s fundraising campaigns which has enabled the Supporters’ Trust to purchase another £5,000 in shares. We very much appreciate everyone’s support.”