Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Prize Bull 500 Club Draw - June Winners

The HUST Prize Bull 500 Club Draw for the month of June was drawn during at Edgar Street on Saturday during the Volunteers BBQ and broadcast live on Radio Hereford FC. 

Remember you can help the Club through this difficult period by joining the 500 Club, at any time.

Congratulations to the winners:

£100  057  Rob Payne from Madley
£75  190  Matthew Swash from Billingsley
£25  196  Andrew Ball from Hereford
£25  054  Guy Adams from Monmouth
£25  183  Alan Sturge from Malvern
£25  023  Andrew Prosser from Halesowen
£25  193  Kevin Thomas from Balsall Common 
£10  231  Cliff Cooke from Hereford
£10  225  Alison Peel from Royston
£10  184  Stuart Coleman from Hereford                                                                            £10  059  Andrew Thomas from Hereford                                                                        £10  212  James Godsall from Ross on Wye    

You can join the Prize Bull 500 Club Draw right away and, if you already have one lucky number, why not double your chances with another go. Indeed, at a mere £5 per month it’s any easy way of helping provide much-needed finance for the club as we head towards the 2021/22 season.

Back the Bulls – Join TODAY.