Wednesday, February 03, 2021

FA Launch Inquiry Into John-Lewis Contract


The Football Association have launched a forgery investigation after Lenell John-Lewis said a Covid-19 clause was taken out of his Hereford contract without his permission according to GrimsbyLive.

John-Lewis signed for Grimsby earlier this week after an initial approach to Hereford was rejected.

It's reported that John-Lewis asked for a copy of his contract from the FA after he was told a Covid-19 clause did not exist.

"There were clauses that I believed were in the contract, which I wanted to use to leave the club, which is why I asked for it to be sent to me,"  said John-Lewis.

"It stated that with no fans attending games, there would be a renegotiation. If the renegotiation wasn’t achieved both parties would agree to mutually terminate the contract.

"When I made it clear I wanted to use the clause, I was told it is not actually in your contract and that the FA asked for it not to be in there. That is when I had to speak to the FA and check myself.

"The clause had been scribbled out and there were initials on the left-hand side. And there were initials on the right-hand side which I then realised were mine. I didn’t put them there. I didn’t even know the clause was meant to be taken out.

"It was definitely not me. I had initialled that paper at the bottom on the day I signed the contract but that was the only thing I did."

Last Sunday Hereford FC released a statement which said 'there were discrepancies within some of the players contracts that have been lodged with the FA.