Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Clubs Considering Not Playing League Games On Saturday.

Whilst Hereford FC are set to play a Trophy tie on Saturday, several other clubs in National North and South are due to resume their League season.

However it appears some clubs may refuse to play.

One is Concord Rangers in the National South.

Their chairman is Ant Smith.

'I can confirm that there are many clubs within the competition that just do not have the funds to continue.

'I have personally written to the league confirming we will not be starting this Saturday 

'They need to suspend until clubs have a better understanding of what is on offer!'

Meanwhile National League clubs met with Sports England this morning for further discussions about loans and grants. 

Ant Smith has commented.

'What you as fans need to understand is that we have seen absolutely no terms & conditions on the funding.

'Would you contemplate / borrow without knowing what they are?'