Saturday, May 02, 2020

HUST Prize Bull '500 Club' Draw - April Winners

The HUST Prize Bull 500 Club Draw for the month of April has been drawn and it is good to see Hereford fans from right across the country winning. It is an especially difficult period for all of us at the present time, with Hereford Football Club having been put into hibernation – it’s own form of lockdown. This means any help you are able to provide by joining the 500 Club will be most welcome.
Congratulations to the winners as follows:
£100  127  Richard Williams from Leigh Sinton
£75  231  Cliff Cooke from Hereford
£25  068  Robert Money from Ludlow
£25  142  Jonathan Hall from Huddersfield
£25  249  Kelvin Jordan from Alsager
£25  243  Michael Sell from Clevedon
£10  027  I Jones from Hereford
£10  109  Andrew Duggan from Sutton St Nicholas
£10  151  Graeme Lambourne from Gloucester
£10  073  Peter Wilson from Bodenham
You can join the Prize Bull 500 Club Draw at any time and, if you already have one lucky number, why not double your chances with another entry. Indeed, at just £5 per month it’s any easy way of helping HUST provide much-needed finance for the club through the summer months ahead. 
Back the Bulls – Join TODAY.