Thursday, April 23, 2020

Boston Chairman Wants Quick Decision

Boston chairman David Newton wants a quick decision on how the National League will finish the season especially as his club is in a place-off position.

After yesterday's announcement that the season is over, it now has to be decided how to end the campaign.

There appears to be two options, either to declare the season void or to use a points per game basis for settling league placings. If the second option is agreed at some stage then teams in play-offs positions will need to extend their player's contracts.

"It's complicated for all of us and ideally we'd like a resolution from the league as soon as possible," said Newton.

"I think (yesterday's decision) was inevitable. We voted for it.

"It resolves the situation for clubs that aren't in the play-offs. Clubs like ourselves that are in the play-offs, we still need a quick resolution because our season hasn't ended."

Meanwhile AFC Telford chairman Andy Pryce is pleased with yesterday's decision.

Telford, like Hereford, are 'safe' in the National North.

“It helps us," said Pryce.

"Now we can financially say that’s the 2019/20 season over. We can discuss with players moving forward, we know what contracts are about and can think about next season.”