Tuesday, March 31, 2020

On This Day - March 31st 2014

On March 31st 2014 Hereford United chairman David Keyte spoke to BBC Midlands about the financial situation at Edgar Street.

"The situation is still extremely precarious," said Keyte.

"We're all guns pointing towards the court hearing on Monday, the winding-up order that HMRC have put against the club.

"So our first task that we are focusing on solely is raising the £78K.

"Following Saturday's match we raised £20K towards the taxman and I say that because we have given a further sum to the players and staff.

"I understand that tomorrow HUISA have a further £3K"

Presenter Nick Owens then asked Keyte about the level of support for the club.

"That has got to be a question raised,  every time I tend to I get shot down in flames, blaming the fans again.

"We are trying not to blame those 1600 that turn up rain or shine but the fact is there does seem to be some apathy around Herefordshire in general towards the football club."

Owens then asked how this affected Keyte both personally and financially.

"Personally I tend to be a person that puts on a face, a front to it, but it does eat away and certainly family-wise, home-wise.

"Financially I've put too much money into it but that seems to get forgotten at this stage and if it truely is the saving grace that Ketye walks, or get Keyte out, then I can accomodate that."

He was then asked if he regreted buying the club.

"Well I think you've got to have some moments when you think that. 

"I said before that I had a figure in my mind that I was prepared to put into the club.

"What I've not be able to account for is probably not being able to walk away at that figure and of going past it and double now in four years.

"That's what I have to grapple with from a family point of view."

Will Hereford United be here next season?

"That's the plan and ideally in the Hereford United 1939 format. 

"None of us on the board are working towards a real-vamped club, AFC Hereford is not on our agenda but if other people want to dictate that then we have to listen."

Also interviewed was the leader of Hereford Council Toby Johnson.

"We can't offer cash," said Johnson.

 "But we can offer help, advice, terms of lease, negoations on rent and we're doing all of those things and everelse we can do that doesn't involve direct cash we'd be happy to talk about."