In his notes in yesterday's match programme, Hereford FC chairman Andrew Graham wrote about the 'club's vision of being a sustainable Football League club'.
"It is clear to see that without doubt our management of the football playing budget does not reflect or deliver 'Sustainable'. Nor will it deliver Football League status without a radical shake-up.
"This activity continues to take place behind-the-scenes from the Boardroom and right through the business. Failure is not an option here and there is much still to do.
"I have said this before and I will continue to say it. We need to pull together to reach our destined vision of Football League status and we won't achieve this without strong foundations, a positive (and accomodating) presence in the community, an infrastructure capable of delivering the quality services and products expected of a club such as ours, and all with realistic and diligent budgeting.
"This season a realistic budget was set for a play-off position push. The use of this budget has failed to deliver and we suffer the drops in attendances and associated revenues that eat away at reserves.
"The situation has been an unacceptable one and presents us with a almost 'perfect storm', albeit one that is manageable through change.
"I will be making many more statements over the next few weeks about developments in our club, in the stadium, in our plans for the future and for how we intend to achieve them.
"One factor that is key in every step of the journey, is you, the fans.
"We cannot lose sight of this being a 'fan-owned' club and we cannot lose sight of our duties as Volunteer Directors to ensure that above all, we have Football at Edgar Street for generations to come and that the fans are always our primary consideration.
"As we look to examine the option for the playing budget in the 2020/2021 season, a key driver will be how much we can mininmise the losses we face, and how much we can call on the support of our Community to rally around, come to matches, commit to purchasing season tickets and believe in what we are trying to achieve - 'A Sustainable Football League Club.'