Thursday, January 24, 2019

HUST Members Meeting Report

HUST held their 'Members Meeting' in a frozen Radfords this evening. 

HUST chairman Richards Tompkins took the meeting. With him on top table were Craig Goodall, Tony Taylor, Joanie Roberts and Peter Sell.

There was a reasonable turnout of 27 members.

First was a review of decisions taken at the HFC AGM. HUST's view was that they needed to work with other shareholders in particular to try and get the fourth director on the club board despite the vote against at the club AGM.

HUST will continue to purchase shares in the club. Tony Taylor said 'It's a unique structure, however HUST are not looking to control the club.'

HUST have put in a new application to Herefordshire Council about Edgar Street being an Asset of Community Value. The last application expired in December. There is an ACV panal meeting of the council next week.

It looks almost certain that HUST will not purchase all the shares allocated to them in Hereford FC by March 2020. Currently they own 175,000 shares and aim to purchase another 15.000 before the end of the season. That leaves another 99,000 to purchase by March 2020.

This is unlikely. Tony Taylor felt they would be 40,000 or so short. HUST will ask HFC if the dealine can be extended. Sales are down recently as gates have dropped.

Questions were asked about whether the 50/50 match day tickets, which brings in the majority of HUST's income, would continue. 

HUST have offered to operate it again next season and the HFC board are expected to decide if they can next month. Mike Langford asked if HUST could recruit some more ticket sellers.

Ian Williams asked 'what was the purpose of HUST having directors on the HFC board when those directors are not listening to supporters?' He questioned why Peter Beadle was sacked. 'Our dreams came to an abrupt end' he said.

Mike Merrick, a HUST member and a HFC Director, responded that they still couldn't talk about the reasons until everything with Beadle was settled.

"The decision was in the interest of fans," he said.

Tony Taylor said 'We had to act, the new team has fixed problems' but he couldn't say any more.

Taylor, who sits on both the HFC and HUST boards, spoke about the aims of the club which were reviewed recently. They remain to work towards league status whilst remaining sustainable. 

In answer to a question he said funds were available for players but the club was wary of long contracts which could cause problems.

To conclude the chairman thanked members for coming and apologised it was so cold in the room. 'Time for another brandy,' he said! 

UPDATE: This article was updated on Friday Morning. Words attributed to Frank Williams have been deleted as they were incorrectly reported. BN apologies for our mistake.