Friday, December 07, 2018

'No Concern' From Harriers After Winding Up Petition Dimissed

Aggoborough, the home of Kidderminster Harriers, who have settled an unpaid tax bill.

The company behind Kidderminster Harriers have settled an unpaid tax bill after HM Revenue & Customs lodged a winding up petition against them.

Chief Registrar Judge Nicholas Briggs has now dismissed the petition after HMRC's barrister told him on Wednesday the debt had now been paid in full.

A spokesman for the Harriers told the Worcester News"This relates simply to a cashflow issue, one that almost any club in the country experiences.

"We'd reiterate that the matter never reached the stage of a formal hearing and never would have.

"Our Tax and PAYE commitments to HMRC are fully up to date so on that front there is absolutely no concern."