Friday, September 21, 2018

HUST Membership Figures - A Personal Response

Frank Williams comments on a Bulls News Post from earlier this week.

Whilst HUST, the Hereford United Supporters Trust, continue to raise thousands of money, mainly through the 50/50 draw at home games, to purchase shares in Hereford Football Club, their membership appears to be dropping.
As at July there were 591 adult members, 2 corporate members and 115 junior members.
In June, 50 adult memberships were due for renewal. HUST say that less than half of that number renewed in the month."

I though i'd take it upon myself to research this article as it seems a bit odd. When i searched the Minutes of last year's AGM, I found it reported that the membership was 452, with 375 adult members. Now to me, as a retired Maths Teacher, that's a rise of 35%, both overall and in the adult cohort. Where does the "membership appears to be dropping" come from.? As for the June renewals comment, it may have been overlooked by BullsNews that HUST had just lost its Membership Secretary, Peter Davies, who sadly passed away. I presume renewal reminders were not high in anyone's thoughts at that time.
Now i'm not a journalist, i just dabble in radio, but as a Mathematician I know that research should be in-depth rather than superficial, when dealing with statistics, and even more so when respecting the passing of valuable colleagues and friends.
BullsNews is a valued and respected contribution to our Club. I hope it is not going to lurch into irresponsible sensationalism.

AGM October 2017 Membership Report

August 2018 Membership Report

Frank Williams, A HUST member.