Monday, August 07, 2017

Bowen Scored On His Mum's Birthday

Former Hereford United striker Jarrod Bowen scored for Hull last Saturday in their Championship draw against Aston Villa in front of most of his family.

Afterwards Bowen told the Hull Daily Mail about the goal and the celebrations.

“I want to score in every game but Villa is quite local from where I grew up (in Hereford),” explained Bowen. “It was on my Mum’s birthday as well with all my family there so I was looking for them straight away when I scored. I couldn’t really control my body. I wanted to celebrate as much as I could.

“My Dad said he was going to run on the pitch if I scored but he couldn’t get on. I saw him come down and I grabbed him. I had to move a few stewards out of the way but it was great for them to be here for my first Hull goal.

“My Dad is a Villa fan so I’m not sure who he wanted to win. A draw with me scoring is probably his best outcome. My little sister was here, my little brother, little cousins, Nan, Auntie. I think they got a minibus with my Grandad driving.”

Ben Bowen, who looks after the Edgar Street pitch, is Jarrod's uncle.