Saturday, June 10, 2017

A message from Derek Hall

Former Hereford United player Derek Hall is currently working in Australia as a coach for Adelaide Olympic Football Club. He sent me this message on Thursday after being sent some footage of the early 90's.

"Hereford United/FC is a special football club, and if people have never had the experience of the club they may wonder where your passion comes from. I know where it comes from. I was lucky and privileged to represent the club as a player and captain. I met fantastic people, my team mates and coaching staff, but most of all a unique set of supporters that loved their club and their amazing city. I love reading and seeing everything that is great about Hereford United/FC. Best Wishes  Derek Hall.

Here is Derek's first ever Hereford goal against Torquay United on the 17th October 1992.