UITC are launching girls open training sessions
for those aged U9, U11 and U13. All sessions will take place at Central
Park, Hereford, HR1 1AW, from 6pm – 7pm and will include lots of fun and technical
practices that will encourage and build confidence for all.
The sessions will run on the following dates;
- Tuesday 13th June
- Tuesday 20th June
- Tuesday 27th June
- Tuesday 4th July
- Tuesday 11th July
- Tuesday 18th July
Each session will cost just £2 OR £8 for all 6 online.
All players must email to register, and send the following details :
Contact email address, Name of participant, DoB, Address, School, Parent
Name/Emergency Contact.
There is a link to the sign-up page: http://playtheherefordway.com/girls-form.html
For any further questions, please contact girls@uitc.uk.com