Tuesday, April 11, 2017

HUST launch Operation Didcot

Hereford face Didcot Town in a behind closed doors match tonight, but HUST are suggesting those Bulls fans who may have travelled this evening could consider donating an "entrance fee", of say £10, to the Jamie Cuss "Just Giving" page instead.

This would go a long way towards pushing the appeal much nearer to the £10,000 target.

If supporters can also help us promote this via social media, it would be very much appreciated. We suggest a handle of #HUSTOperationDidcot

Due to the generosity of Hereford fans the Jamie Cuss “Just Giving” page has recently reached £5,475 in just over a week.

So far to date there have been 166 donations, so if you are wanting to help Jamie and haven’t yet done so then you can do so via www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/jamie-cuss or at this weekend's home game against Barnstaple, please look out for more HUST activities to support this cause. Details to follow.

HUST would like to thank those supporters who have generously donated to Jamie’s knee operation which further enforces the true community spirit that our club generates.