Friday, December 02, 2016

Widemarsh Street - One Way System To Be Removed For Christmas Period

Widemarsh Street in Hereford is close to the Edgar Street stadium and is currently one way only.

This from Herefordshire Council:

Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd, on behalf of Herefordshire Council has implemented a one-way system on Widemarsh Street to enable the construction of the junction of the City Link Road. 

The one-way system will be removed to allow the return of the normal two-way flow of traffic from 9th December, and will remain a two-way system throughout the Christmas period. The one-way system will be re-installed on January 4th for a further eight weeks whilst the works are completed.

At the end of this period night closures will occur for the resurfacing of the highway to complete the work required. More information regarding times and dates for closures will be available in the New Year.