Monday, December 19, 2016

Beadle Looks Forward To A 'Bit Of A Rest'

Hereford FC manager Peter Beadle has said that he is looking forward to a 'bit of a rest' over the Festive Season especially as there just two games instead of the usual three

"We're not even on Boxing Day this year," Beadle told BBC Hereford and Worcester.

"We've taken precautions a bit this year so we are playing a behind closed doors game on Thursday so that the players who haven't played will get a game.

"It is a strange one because I think last year we played Boxing Day, the 28th and on the 2nd. So we had three games in there.

"So I think it is nice that we have a little bit of a rest for us part-timers who give up our two nights a week and Saturdays.

"The lads work all week, so more so than anybody when these players who are earning £50K per week and complain about playing too many games, 38 games in a season.

"Ours come here part time and play three games over Christmas you never hear a complaint from any of them.

"They just do it because that's what they have been brought up to do.

"It would be nice to have not so many games in such quick succession"