Friday, November 18, 2016

UITC Food Bank Collection

This is from United in the Community:

This year, we at UITC are pleased to announce that we shall be collecting for the Hereford Food Bank for their Christmas distribution.  

If you could please help us with food donations, they can be taken to Victoria Park on Sunday 20th Nov or Sunday 27th Nov when our U18s Girls teams will be hosting Fry Club and Tuffley Rovers respectively. Both games are 10.30am kick off.

Food which is always needed at the Food Bank include: tinned meats, tinned fruit and veg, UHT/dried milk, coffee, sugar, jam. 

Other items needed are toothpaste, soap and toilet rolls. 

Also, at this time of year selection boxes and Christmas treats would be very much appreciated. 

We hope to see you at Victoria Park, but if you can't make it, donations can be dropped off at Express Bathrooms, Thorn Business Park, HR2 6JT.

Alternatively, email to make arrangements to drop off at UITC's office on Blackfriars Street.