Friday, July 01, 2016

Crawford Receives 50,000 Shares In Hereford FC

Rob Crawford has received 50,000 shares in Hereford FC after HUST voted in favour of the club issuing a further 80,000 shares. The other 30,000 are for HUST.

The list of shareholders now has HUST at the top with 80,000 shares, next are the five benefactors with 50,000 shares each followed by some 39,000 shares held by individual supporters.

Total number of shares issued to date is 369,000.

Jon Hale, Hereford FC chairman, has commented about the decision by HUST. 

‘I’d like to thank the HUST Board and its members for voting in favour of issuing these additional shares,"Hale told Chris Ammonds.

‘With an old stadium to maintain and the club’s aim to ensure stability at all times, having this additional funding available can only be a positive for the club.

‘To allow the introduction of the £50,000 from Rob Crawford on the same terms as the four founding shareholders – who each purchased 50,000 when the club was officially formed to give it a solid financial base, HUST has been offered an extended timeframe of 5 years to purchase 50% of the shares in Hereford FC, rather than the three years that was in the original plan.’