Wednesday, November 11, 2015

We Had That Killer Instinct Said Beadle

Peter Beadle Speaking To His Squad After Ninety Minutes
In his post match interview after last night's 6-0 win over Stourport Swifts, Hereford FC manager Peter Beadle felt that the performance had been even better than when his side scored six goals against Continental Star recently.

"I thought Stourport were one of the better teams we've played this season, they are very similar to us," said Beadle.

"They're young, they're energetic, they're very well organised, they're well coached.

"But we were probably a bit too strong for them tonight

"What we did do was we had that killer instinct and we really rammed it home which is what we've been asking them to do for a long time.

"A 6-0 win against Stourport was a far better performance than the 6-0 against Continental."