Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Higher Gate Than Expected

Supporters In The Queue At 7.45pm
Last night's gate of 2717 at Edgar Street was higher than most supporters estimated going by those who entered the Bulls News Prediction League.

There's little doubt that the management of Hereford FC was also surprised.

The kick-off had to be delayed by ten minutes to try and get everyone in the ground.

It's also reported that the club ran out of programmes.

Articles on BN and elsewhere tried to encourage supporters to purchase their tickets in advance but obviously that didn't happen.

Steps therefore need to be taken to increase the number of ticket booths.

In many ways it's a nice problem to have but it needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

Meanwhile the excellent Hereford FC Action site has a lot of video from last night's game: 

Update: Hereford FC chairman Jon Hale has admitted that the club needs to take note of the problems that occured last night.

"I would, however, reassure our fans that we will be reviewing how our ticketing arrangements worked last night as we do not want another situation where we have to delay a kick off. It was the right thing to do against Coleshill to ensure the vast majority of our supporters were in the ground, but we will not be looking to repeat that decision.

"In addition to the above, the size of the crowd also meant that we did not order enough programmes for the game. After the Dunkirk match we were left with quite a lot of programmes so last night we went back to previous evidence that suggests around 1 in 4 spectators buys a match programme.

"Sadly that left us short of programmes last night, but there is a fine line between not printing enough programmes and being left with quite a number and losing out financially."

Full Interview: