Monday, July 13, 2015

Merthyr Gate Receipts To Be Split

Ryan Green Leading Out Merthyr Town Last Season
Hereford FC supporters are being encouraged to go to Merthyr for a friendly next Saturday knowing that half their entrance money will flow back across the border.

The game will be a chance for Hereford FC manager Peter Beadle to pit his wits against his former assistant Steve Jenkins.

Steve Jenkins
This from Merthyr Town FC:
Saturday will see newly formed Hereford FC visit the Cigg-e Stadium

Much like ourselves, Hereford know what it's like to be down and out.

Saturday sees the clash, albeit a friendly match, between 2 clubs who have gone out of business, reformed and become 100% fan owned clubs.

All gate revenue from Saturday's game will be split 50/50 between the 2 clubs, and with the rumour of 1,000+ Hereford fans making the trip over the border, we urge all MTFC fans to come to the game and support 2 fan owned clubs, who want to run their club the right way.