Thursday, June 04, 2015

Advertising Options At Talking Bull

Keith Hall has given BN details about advertising on Talking Bull.

Talking Bull is back at Edgar Street for the 2015/16 season. It’s good to be here.

Our Independent Hereford Football Club Supporters’ Magazine will be produced at least 4 times throughout the season and will reach around 2,000 people. Alongside the magazine we create merchandise, sponsor the Football Club and raise vital funds for the Supporters’ Trust. Every penny of profit goes back into supporting the Bulls.
Within our pages we offer the opportunity to advertise. Without the support of individual supporters and backers we would not be able to finance the magazine on a long term basis. So, we hope local & independent businesses will get involved and back our initiative.
Below you’ll find our ‘Early Bird’ advertising rates for the inaugural Hereford Football Club season and we hope it’s something you’ll consider. We are also looking to find a sponsor for a monthly podcast, too. If you would like to discuss any of the options detailed below, or you feel you could help us in any other way (ie stocking our fanzine), please do get in touch.
To summarise the opportunity for each option:
A minimum of 2,000 Talking Bull copies per season
Regular mentions on Social Media; Twitter etc
Banners/links from our website

EARLY BIRD     2015/16 Rates
Size                                                                                  Cost
A5 page – back cover                                Colour                       £100 per season, or £25 per issue
A5 page – inside front & back cover      Colour                        £90 per season, or £22.50 per issue
A5 page                                                        Colour                       £80 per season, or £20 per issue
Half Page                                                     Black & White           £50 per season, or £12.50 per issue
Quarter Page                                              Black & White           £40 per season, or £10 per issue
Monthly Podcast                                                                          £100 per season, or £25 per podcast
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