Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Ballad Of Ronnie Radford

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The Ballad of Ronnie Radford’ tells the story of one of the most famous goals in FA Cup history, when semi-professional Hereford United winger Ronnie Radford scored from 30 yards to help his team beat the giants of Newcastle United in 1972. In this short documentary Harry Harris meets Ronnie who tells the story of his footballing triumph.
The day after scoring such a monumental goal, Ronnie went back to his day job: up a ladder, fixing the roof of a house.
Harry said: “I had that song on YouTube, and a director of Hereford United’s wife found it and asked me to play at the 40th anniversary of the game as a surprise for Ronnie and the whole team – that was a really lovely day, and we just kept in touch, Ronnie sent me letters and we approached him about the doc, and he was very receptive – in the interim between making the documentary and releasing it, Hereford United have gone bankrupt and been reborn as Hereford FC, and will be playing their first season next year.”
‘The Ballad of Ronnie Radford’ is the first single from Harry Harris’ second album ‘Songs About Other People’, which is out now on Wild Sound Recordings.
Directed by: Francis Newall & Matt Diegan
Produced by: Matt Diegan
All Music: Harry Harris
Grade: Steve Atkins
Sound Mix: Robin Clarke

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See the documentary at: