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Sunday, February 08, 2015

Hale Updates Supporters

Hereford FC chairman Jon Hale has given supporters an update.

"In the past few weeks we have received an astonishing number of messages of support. They have come from local people who care about the future of football at Edgar Street, and also from individuals – many, exiled Herefordians – from all over the country too.
‘If you add the messages of support and the offers of help we have received together, we have had comfortably more than 200 e-mails and they are continuing to arrive every day.
‘We’ve had so many people offering support that we have now felt it necessary to ask someone to co-ordinate the number of volunteers who have come forward. I’m therefore delighted that Ken Kinnersley – whose name was suggested by Hereford United Supporters Trust (HUST) after we approached them to ask for a recommendation – has agreed to become Hereford FC’s Volunteers Co-ordinator.
‘Ken has already made contact with everyone who has been in contact so far, but if you have not heard from Ken and have offered your services, please do make contact with him.
‘Equally, if you are keen to help, but have not yet got in touch, please do feel free to e-mail Ken at volunteers@herefordfc.co.uk.’
While on the subject of volunteers, Mr Hale then went on to explain the sort of help people can offer Hereford FC.
To be perfectly honest, should we secure the lease for Edgar Street, we will be able to make use of help of absolutely any kind.
‘It does not matter whether you can offer a specific trade or skill, or simply offer some time for simple tasks like helping us tidy up the stadium, every single offer of help is important and will be welcomed.
‘To make Hereford FC the successful club we all want, we will need everyone pulling in the same direction, doing what they can to help out. Therefore, if you feel you can be of any use at all, please do make contact with Ken – he will be delighted to hear from you.’
Finally, Mr Hale then moved on to talk about his recent visit to Edgar Street to carry out an inspection of the ground.
‘Entering Edgar Street for the first time in months was actually quite emotional as it made me realise how much I’ve missed the place.
‘I’m very grateful to the local authority for allowing me to access the ground with a commercial property expert and we will now wait for a detailed report on the full state of repair of the ground.
‘There are clearly a number of things that will need professional expertise to put right, but there are also many jobs that we can do with the help of willing, committed volunteers.
‘Most of all though, I left Edgar Street feeling that the ground is in dire need of some tender, loving care and that superficially the ground could begin to look much better quite quickly.
‘The bigger jobs, such as work needed to repair various roof leaks and structural issues, are different, but then these are jobs we would call on professional expertise to complete.
‘The visit to Edgar Street reminded me what a special place it is and I left the ground feeling even more committed to achieving the goal of making it Hereford FC’s home.
‘As a group we will continue to do all we can to make that happen and we are hopeful our proposal will be one that Herefordshire Council can smile favourably upon.’