Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Council Release Edgar Street Clarification

This from Herefordshire Council:

04 February 2015

We have received lots of feedback on our social media channels relating to the length of the lease at Edgar Street, the omission from the stands in the lease document and any plans for development. We hope the new FAQs below will adequately explain the council's position on these points.

Why has the council opted for a short term lease for the Edgar Street ground?

The offer of a short term lease on the ground will ensure that a new tenant can be found and installed at the ground in time for the beginning of the new football season. The short term lease is a starting point from which we can negotiate with the potential new tenants. A long term lease may have implications for the turnaround of letting the ground. It would be difficult to complete the due diligence and consultation requirements that the council needs in time to meet the FAs March 1 deadline.

As the ground is listed as a “community asset,” the offer of a long lease may trigger a delay to the grant of a lease allowing football to resume next season. The implications of offering a longer term lease includes the activation of a six month moratorium period.

Why have the north and south stands been omitted from the lease?

The long term use of these stands will need to be discussed at such a time as we have a preferred tenant. The council doesn’t want to stipulate exactly what these stands should be used for as this should be done through a process of negotiation once a preferred tenant has been selected.

The previous lease included development rights of the north and south stands. The council wants to ensure that it attracts the right tenants, with the right intention of continuing football and not those with a particular interest in development rights.  

Are there any development proposals for the north and south stands?

No. The council has no current development plans for the north and south stands. We will discuss any further options for the stands with the preferred tenants and any decision for the future of the stands and longer term requirements for the ground will be considered by cabinet in autumn 2015, following full consultation with key stakeholders.