Friday, January 09, 2015

Meeting Organised To Finalise Q&A Document For Supporters

This from Hereford FC:

Speaking this morning, Jon Hale has explained that the detailed ‘Questions and Answers’ document the Benefactors Group are putting together will now be released next week.

Mr Hale said:

‘We would like to meet as a group – with the benefactors – to discuss the important information we release prior to Thursday night’s meeting to ensure it provides as much clarity as possible. We will do this early next week in plenty of time for it to be made public and digested ahead of the open meeting.

‘We completely appreciate why supporters are so passionate about making sure the long-term future of any new club is secure. As a group that is one of our priorities too – after all, we have also lived through the last 12 months as Hereford United supporters and know exactly how it has felt.

“I can personally reassure people that the proposal we have put together is for the short and long-term benefit of Hereford FC and, having talked to the HUST Board on Monday night, it was pleasing they were all satisfied the required safeguards are in place to prevent the new club ever suffering the problems that caused the eventual demise of Hereford United.’